a job is commonplace. Many can list acquaintances who have gone long periods without steady gainful employment. In their desperation, as these persons approach the end of their savings or unemployment benefits, the tragic plight they face is evident as one good job possibility after another fades with the word "no" when they thought it had maierialized, and all b cause their character investigation didn't stand up.. Average Americans may not be aware of the legion of instances where suspected sex inverts are fired after long periods of loyal service, and for no other reason than they once made a mistake which they probably never shall make again. Or, as it often happens, they were just "suspected" victims of an idle.
An army captain with 14 years service, bent on a military career, gets the bounce without an honorable discharge, and no other work experience but the military which grabbed him even before finishing college. A singular example? Not at all.
Two years after conviction for a minor offense and payment of a small fine, a youth in Illinois is fired when his background is exposed to his employer. The employer had been "sold" on the idea of having an investigation made of each person on his staff by high-pressuring investigative organization still riding on the tide which came in with the Federal government's discriminatory policy on "security risks" in which sex deviants were lumped with all, of the other "undesirables". Now the youth wants a job so he can become secure and not have to live a lie.
In California, all sex offenders are registered. Every time a registered
person moves from one county to another, the fact must be reported immediately to the sheriff or police department concerned. This regisration means carrying a card for the rest of that person's life. Manslaughter, armed robbery, auto theft, assult, blackmail, fraud, tax evasion, drunk driving, and forgery all must be regarded, in terms of this law, as lesser crimes, since such felonies require no such registration after penalty is paid.
In some cities, authorities call employers once someone is picked up and charged with any sex offenseusually with the result that the ac cused (who has not yet had a trial) invariably gets the boot. Most actions of this sort are unjustified, because it solves no police problem and serves no community benefit. An exception to this, perhaps, is the statute in force in some states requiring that police notify employers of persons charged with sex offense only if the accused is a teacher in a public school. Even the wisdom of this statute has been debated by capable attorneys: They recognize that adding to the insecurity of someone already insecure to some degree.
only multiplies the magnitude of instability that prson must cope with. What is the answer?
Education, understanding and acceptance, to be sure. New criteria whereby we may sift those really dangerous to society from the many whose minor transgressions of questionable statutes are of no real social harm. Self-employment is another possibility. But, most important of all, a new attitude that is free from prejudice and stigma as it affects many persons. People can't very much help what they really are. The sooner this
mattachine REVIEW
fact is realized and recognized, the better.
• Stirring, indeed, is the following letter from a young man in a Southern state. He paid a penalty for a sex crime, and has had nothing but an exemplary record since. But he happens to be one of those innately honest individuals who abhors à threat hanging over his head, and wants to get along in a situation where all of his cards are on the table.
Among persons daily accustomed to living a double standard, this individual is no rare phenomenon. And no one will deny that the man has a strong point: He wants a chance. to prove himself, and thereby conribute something to the world in which he faces so many barriers.
Here is the letter, abridged in parts, and with the writer's name withheld.
Gentlemen: I read of your organiation some two years ago and was rery much interested in you and your purpose. I sincerely wish we had such an organization in this state. But we don't, so I'm asking you for help.
I realize that you are not an employment agency. If you cannot help ne, perhaps you can refer this letter o someone or some business which night be sympathetic enough to conider my case, at least. Since the >urpose of your organization as I Inderstand it is the study of the problem of homosexuality, I am hopng that you might know of someone or some organization which will eceive this request with a desire to ielp.
My problem is this. As a result of a morals conviction about two fa
years ago, for which I received two years probation, and the fact that there is no understanding of homosexualist problems in this area, I find it next to impossible to get a job, seems that no one will take the chance on a person in my situation. I have been selected out of large' groups of applicants for good jobs. but as soon as an investigation is made of my past, I am dropped abruptly. I have many qualifications, including a fairly good personality, good education, and work experience in my field. I am trying desperately to correct my fauts. I have received psychiatric treatment; as a matter of fact, a great part of my income has gone for this purpose during the past two years. I have made great gains in the understanding of my problem and acceptance of it. I know what I mush do to re-establish myself into society. But I now have gone about as far as I can go without some understanding from society itself.
Do you know someone who might help me?
Someone I don't have to deceive, someone to whom I can lay my cards on the table and at least receive consideration of my merits and a chance to fulfill my ambitions? I want to be restored to society by my own efforts, and without the fear of the past to retard my progress!
I'rankly, I don't know the answer -that is, in terms of specific job openings for this man and dozens like him who have queried the Mattachine Society on the subject.
But somewhere, someone does ex-i ist who can help Perhaps there are employment agencies who specialize in placing persons like the writer of the preceding letter in proper jobs.
Do you know the answer?